00:00 - Part 1: Ben Towle interviews Tom Heintjes about Will Eisner and things he learned about Eisner while collaborating with him on a monthly column for Kitchen Sink Press reprints of the Spirit.
43:00 - Part 2: Craig Fischer talks to Daniel Yezbick and Andrew Kunka as they analyze one of Will Eisner's classic Spirit stories, Meet P'Gell.
1:09:00 - Part 3: Jennie Law talks to Eric Larsen, Gilbert Hernandez, Jaime Hernandez, and Steve Saffel about Jack Kirby's ideas as expressed through his comics and his impact on and interactionss with them and others.
1:50:55 - Part 4: Ben Towle takes a look at the 2001: A Space Oddysey comic book that Jack Kirby wrote and drew for Marvel Comics in the mid-to-late 1970s.
Recorded on June 17, 2017 at Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC
Heroes Con 2017 - 06/17/17 - [2:12:49] - Download MP3
Direct download: HC174.mp3
-- posted at: 12:00pm EST