Celebrating the Legion of Super-Heroes - Artists Greg Laroque, Kieth GIffen and Joe Staton talked to moderator Nancy Northcott about their time working on the Legion of Super-Heroes
All Hail Jack Kirby! - Mike Royer, Jim Amash, Rand Hoppe and Mark Evanier talk about Jack Kirby and the various roles he played in their lives as a writer, artist, mentor, and friend
Cartoonist Kayfabe Live - Ed Piskor and Jim Rugg talk memories of Heroes Cons past (bin diving, art auctions, travel companions), preview their other panels, and answer questions from the audience
Walking and Talking with - Joey Weiser - Ghost Hog, Mermin - Scott Fogg - Phileas Reid Knows that We Are Not Alone - Tuskegee Heirs
Before Superman panel - Nicky Wheeler-Nicholson and Athena Finger talk about their grandfathers (Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson and Bill Finger) and the era of comic books that predates Superman with Andrew Pepoy
What I Bought - All-American Men of War, Supernatural Thrillers, Green Lantern, DC Comics Presents, Who’s Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes